Personal Preference

Gw msh inget obrolan antara gw sama dua sahabat gw. Diawali dari ngomongin gw n satu sahabat gw yang sama-sama bikin akun di chat app (or is it dating app?) semacam tinder. Gw unknowingly selalu ngelike orang itali, sahabat gw lebih seneng orang brazil.

Udah ngobrol ngalor-ngidul sampai lah gw ngomong begini: “iya, aku sih lebih ke itali, si A lebih ke brazil, kalo teteh mah lebih ke (menyebutkan nama suami si teteh) ya.” and we all laugh.

Yes i admit, gw lemah sama beautiful green eyes belongs to those italians. Kayak matanya mamas Rossi lah. A beautiful green eyes, wavy copper locks, and killer smile will blew me away anytime and never fail.


Dalam hal physical feature of the guy currently have feelings for, he is nowhere near. No beautiful green eyes, his eyes brown and almost always looks tired and sleepy, wavy locks yeah but his hair is black, killer smile hmm if only he smile more often it probably will kill, definitely gonna kill me tho 🙂

What i’m trying to say is, when it comes to a man we love to see, yeah physical personal preference play a big role. But to love a man with the heart, i tend to look at the inside quality first. When it’s beautiful on the inside, the outside doesn’t matter. If he happened to be beautiful inside and out, you hit a jackpot.

Never chase someone based on the outside, chase the people who is beautiful inside. You’ll never regret it. Because as people grow old, physical beauty will fade, but a beautiful soul will last forever. 

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